Starlight Design Giant Stardust Globe Prop

Giant Stardust Globe Prop

The brief

We made this 1.8 metre diameter globe of the world prop with a 3 metre diameter ring to top the marquee entrance of the Goodwood Revival Ball. The ring which surrounds the globe had to be lightweight and fixed in position very securely due to the height it was being displayed.

As ever I’ve had another fantastic collaboration with Spur Creative to deliver a perfect job. From initial concept through to the delivered item the entire team at spur were excellent.

Craig Underwood – Stardust Design




Prop process images

  1. giant polystyrene globe in the workshop ready to be installed at Goodwood Revival
  2. Giant polystyrene globe to be displayed at Goodwood Revival
  3. Giant polystyrene globe cut in half with metal work support
  4. Giant polystyrene globe at Goodwood Revival suspended 24 feet in the air

The Process

Because the globe had to be lightweight yet support a very large diameter ring, and be suspended 24 feet in the air, this was a bit of a challenge. The globe was sculpted in polystyrene and the ring was welded to a structure which we bonded inside the polystyrene globe.

Project Image

Giant polystyrene globe 24 feet in the air for Goodwood revival

The Result

The client was happy with the globe and especially with the engineering that went into fitting the ring to the polystyrene globe.